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Reach Your Potential Nutrition

Essential Recovery BCAAs (Honeydew Watermelon)

Essential Recovery BCAAs (Honeydew Watermelon)

Regular price $34.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $34.99 USD
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Taking our Essential Recovery BCAAs before, during or after an intense workout has been proven to aid in lean muscle growth and muscle repair. Taking BCAAs allow you to go harder in the gym while helping your body rebuild in the process.


BCAAs are underrated and do not get the credit they deserve. Our Essential Recovery utilizes the 2:1:1 ratio which simply means that there are 2 grams of Leucine for every 1 gram of Isoleucine and 1 gram of Valine. Leucine helps stimulate muscle protein synthesis which basically means it helps to rebuild and repair muscles damaged during a workout, a run, or a tough jiu jitsu training session. Isoleucine assists in building hemoglobin which are the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body and fuel those muscles. Valine has a vital function in muscle growth and tissue repair as well.


BCAAs are considered essential amino acids because the body cannot build them from other compounds. Instead, they must come from diet or supplementation. Essential Recovery has you covered! Feel the difference in recovery before and after using Essential Recovery. 


Transparency is key! What's in our BCAAs? See ingredient break down below!


1) Vitamin B6 - Aids in brain development, keeps the nervous and immune system healthy.

2) L-Glutamine - Helps body remove excess waste and aids in immune function.

3) BCAA 2:1:1 - The 2:1:1 ratio is backed by science. Reference 2nd paragraph above to see breakdown of the ratio.

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